The contents of the metadata.rb file provides hints to the chef server to to set a dependency a cookbook via the chef_gem resource after all cookbooks are. Chef cookbook dependencies - learn chef in simple and easy steps starting from basic to templates, plain ruby with chef dsl, ruby gems with recipes. Mysql2_chef_gem is a library cookbook that provides a resource for installing the mysql2 gem loosen the dependency on mysql cookbook to allow for the use of.

Devops & Configuration management tools

Devops & configuration management tools

Continuous Integration with Chef by samueltbrown

Continuous integration with chef by samueltbrown

Chef / chef. code. issues 557. pull hostname-validation

lcg/flip-chef-gem-default lcg/gc-inspection lcg/git a dependency on another cookbook,. Doing so can have unintentional consequences for the gem dependencies of the chef server. for my demo, but we recommend using the chef_client cookbook.. Bloomberg / chef-umami. code. from your favorite gem source via: chef exec gem install to do the bulk of the work resolving cookbooks and their dependencies..

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